The controls slot allows you to modify or add custom controls to the video conferencing component.
// toggleFullscreen,
// activeVideoTrack,
// videoTracks,
// conference,
// muteMe,
// tracks,
// status,
// start,
// stop
<button>Custom Button</button>
[Function] toggleFullscreen
The toggleFullscreen function allows you to toggle the fullscreen mode of the video conferencing component.
[Object] activeVideoTrack
The activeVideoTrack variable contains the current active video track object.
[Array] videoTracks
The videoTracks variable contains an array of all the video tracks.
[Object] conference
The conference variable contains the current conference object.
[Function] muteMe
The muteMe function allows you to toggle the mute state of the current user. The function takes a string as an argument which can be either "audio" or "video", if no argument is provided it will toggle the mute state of the audio.
[Array] tracks
The tracks variable contains an array of all the tracks.
[Object] status
The status variable contains the current status of the video conferencing component.
loading: false, // true if the video conferencing component is making a request to the server
show: false, // true if a video conference is active and the video conferencing component is visible
audioMuted: false, // true if the audio of the current user is muted
videoMuted: false, // true if the video of the current user is muted
[Function] start
The start function allows you to start the video conferencing component.
[Function] stop
The stop function allows you to stop the video conferencing component.